Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Art Loeb Trail is a Beautiful Beast! (Part 1)

The plan was to leave a little early Thursday and drive to Pisgah National Forest and camp at Davidson River Campground. Leaving our truck there, Mom would pick us up around 8:00am and drive us to the trail head at Daniel Boone Boyscout Camp. But once we got to Asheville the sky dropped down with quarter size hail. So we ended up at my Moms house and headed to the trail head early in the morning. Everyone was filled with anticipation, excitement, and great expectations. After the photo ops, we start blazing the trail straight up 3000 ft in elevation for 3.8 miles to reach Deep Gap. Once we reached the top of Deep Gap some of the anticipation and excitement turned into exhaustion, at least for Cassie (my daughter) and I. At Deep Gap, the trail splits with the trail to the left going up another 1000 or so feet to Cold Mountain and the trail to the right is our trail going through the Narrows and up to Stairs Mountain. Vickie didn't really like the Narrows and all the rock scrambling we had to do. At this point she started making Crow calls. I think to keep her mind off the fact that the side of the trail drops off so steeply. Once we made it to Stairs Mountain, we then realized why this trail is most difficult and the hardest trail in NC. Cassie and I couldn't go any further so we set up camp. The first night everyone went to bed early, about an hour before the sun went down. A coyote called out several times. I was very pleased with my new Half Dome 2 tent. It was very roomy for two. Day 2, we got up around 7:30 and made oatmeal with dried fruit and bagels for breakfast (yes bagels, don't recommend due to the extra weight). Cassie had to have her cheese grits. I love my JetBoil, hot water in 2 minutes. By 8:30 everyone was packed and ready to tackle the trail for another day. Along the Shining Rock Ledge and passing Shining Rock we encountered beds of quartz rocks and a trail through tunnels of forestry and Rhododendrons. At Shining Rock, the trail branches off in several different directions but Matt was on point with the map. Through section 4 and section 3 of the trail we encountered plenty of opportunities for water, ONLY because of the heavy downpour on Thursday. After hiking a pretty long stretch where we tunnel through the forest, the trail opens up into a grassy knob with beautiful 360' views that's breathtaking. Exiting the grassy knob the trail closes around you as fast as it opened. Ascending another mountain and descending again into Ivestor Gap where Shining Rock Wilderness ends and Pisgah National Forest begins. While taking a break and eating some of Vickie's delicious trail mix we came across several groups heading the opposite way. This is the beginning of the most spectacular part of the Art Loeb Trail where you ascend up one peak and up higher to the summit of Tennent Mountain at 6040 ft in elevation. This is where the sun really beats down on you. The view from Tennent Mountain includes Mount Pisgah and Looking Glass Rock. Next the trail travels a mile up a steady slope through head high brush and grassy fields to the Black Balsam Knob. The views here is the just reward for every hard earned step up to this point. Cassie's back has had enough so we called my mother to pick her up from the Art Loeb Spur Trail. She did really well and didn't complain one bit and I love her dearly for going on this adventure with her dad. At this point Matt, Vickie, and I decided to not continue along the Art Loeb Trail but instead explore the Graveyard Fields and camp our second night there. Our decision was solely based on not being able to complete the trail in time, largely because I was sucking wind. We went to the Graveyard Fields parking lot and unloaded a large amount of extras to lighten the load. Matt, Vickie, and I (and Bailey, dog) started down the trail toward the Lower Falls. After seeing the Lower Falls we set up camp in a nice little cove by a creek and started a fire. We tried to hike up to the Upper Falls but no one had it in them. In the morning we hiked out and waited until Mom came to pick us up. On the way home we stopped by Looking Glass Falls.
Even though our plans of completing the Art Loeb Trail didn't pan out, this was still a great trip thanks to Cassie for going with me, Vickie and Matt for going, Bailey for being so good throughout the trip, and Mom for everything she did. We will return to finish section 2 and section 1 soon for Part 2. In conclusion, an absolutely beautiful trail but such a beast!

Total: 14 Miles

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