Thursday, January 3, 2013


Chimney Rock State Park is one of the newer state parks in the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation system.  The private nature park surrounding the 315-foot chimney has been coupled along with Hickory Nut Gorge area in 2007 to make Chimney Rock State Park. Currently encompassing roughly 5,700 acres on both the north and south side of the gorge, expansion efforts continue to conserve more natural resources around the area. N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation plans to eventually develop other areas of the state park with more facilities including a camp ground. Currently Chimney Rock State Park offers many great facilities like a tunnel and an elevator straight up a 26-story shaft embedded within the rock itself along with the Cliff Dwellers Gift Shop, the Sky Lounge, a nature center, a 32-ft. climbing tower, a network of hiking trails and the Gneiss Cave. Let's not forget one of the tallest falls on the east coast, the 404 ft Hickory Nut Falls cascading off the rocks edge. To get to Chimney Rock State Park from Charlotte, just go I-85 South to exit 10B for US-74 West then at exit 181 take US-74-ATL to Chimney Rock Park Rd. Only 98 miles and about 2 hours but well worth the trip and the park fee.

Chimney Rock State Park was the last WNC Region State Park I needed to visit to complete my 2012 goal. I am so appreciative that my family gathered around me in this quest to visit Chimney Rock State Park and completing my goal. We load up in two cars. My Mom, David, and Bevin in one car and Wesley, Dad, Owen, Barrett, Bailey, Lilly, and me in the lead car. ( David is my brother, Bevin is his girlfriend, Wesley is my sister, and Owen and Barrett are my nieces). We drive up the 3 mile windy road to the upper parking lot. Everyone heads into the awesome tunnel to the elevator embedded deep within the rock face. My brother, Bevin, and I take the two dogs, Lilly and Bailey, up the Outcropping Trail to the top. The park welcomes dogs but not in the elevator. The Outcropping Trail consists of about 200+ step to the Sky Lounge Bridge. Bevin and David went up them with ease. Just makes me strive to get into shape this year. The day was sunny, cool, and very windy. In the distance you could see it snowing on top of a mountain peak. My nieces Owen (8) and Barrett (5) were very courageous climbing all over the top of Chimney Rock, scaring my sister a bit. We then ventured up to the Opera Box and Devil's Head before gathering at the Sky Lounge. David bought everyone hot chocolate and dad bought the girls souvenirs from the gift shop. I don't think my family realize that we were on the webcam the whole time we were at the Sky Lounge. Bailey got some loving from several strangers passing by. There were several trail closings including the Hickory Nut Falls Trail to the falls due to a rock slide, the SkyLine Trail due to ice, and the access to Grotto and the Subway is being upgraded. The views of Hickory Nut Gorge and Lake Lure is breathtaking. This trip was the last one on my list but by far the best one for me simply because my family shared it with me. It would have been perfect if Cassie ( my daughter ) was able to go.

WNC Parks: 15

Chimney Rock State Park

Chimney Rock

Hickory Nut Falls

photo by Wesley Satterwhite

photo by Wesley Satterwhite

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