Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It's 5 o'clock Friday and I just got off work ready to head out for a weekend of camping with my Dad, my sister Wesley, and my two awesome nieces Owen and Barrett. Oh, and Lilly (their dog) and my dog Bailey. We are camping at Stone Mountain State Park, NC (not Georgia) this weekend. Wes and Dad hasn't been there for years. Since then, SMSP has added Loop B for RV's, Loop C for additional tent camping, and an extra restroom facility. Stone Mountain State Park is about 1.5 hours away from Charlotte making for a nice getaway site for the weekend. You simply go up I-77 N to exit 83/Hwy 21 N then 13 miles to Traphill Road/State Road 1002 then turn left and go 4 more miles to John P Frank Parkway and turn right straight to the parks gates. I arrived around 8 pm about a half hour after they got there. After everything gets set up Dad and I take a walk down pass the campground entrance to check out two fields where we might see some deer. The first field was empty but by the time we get to the second field it becomes dark so we spotlight the field (not for hunting/just viewing) and see 12 sets of red eyes glowing in the dark. I woke up around 3 am to the start of some heavy, heavy rain. Bailey wakes me up around 6 am to go out, so we take a walk around the campground and observe a few more deer looking for food. Dad is now up making his famous omelettes. They are really good. The girls are ready to jump into a creek or river so we ride over to Willow Falls and play in the water for awhile. The sun is shining and the water is cool. We head over to the nearest country store for some ice cream. Owen tries to catch a blue tail lizard on the porch steps while Barrett chats up a little boy. Dad and I try our hand at some fly-fishing for a few hours. No luck, only 2 horny heads.  Dinners on the grill, BBQ Ribs, grilled corn on the cob, fried potatoes and onions. Now back for our walk to check out more deer. We find a few more and a raspberry patch as well. It's roasting marshmallow time. Bailey and I slept like two babies Saturday night. Sunday morning breakfast consisted of pancakes, eggs over easy, and sausage patties. Then pack up and head home to an end of a very NICE weekend with family.

WNC Park: 8

Woodpecker (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Owen & Barrett at Willow Falls (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Owen at the Homestead (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Deer (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Deer Field (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Campsite #22 (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Rib Dinner (photo by Wesley Satterwhite)

Stone Mountain in Fall

Stone Mountain in Fall

Stone Mountain in Fall

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